Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tree Planting, Transitions and New project

Hey All OK

well I am back in Sacramento again for a week. But first I have a little re-cap on the past few weeks like I promised.

Ok So a few weeks ago we spent two weeks working at a non-profit camp called Camp Niwana. This camp was a sort of bastard child of camps mostly because it was underfunded and lacked a board of directories. Well due to the lack of funding the camp was forced to clear cut 35acres of forest. When we arrived it looked like a nuclear war had taken place there. There was just fields and fields of sticks and slash and torn up brush, really horrible. Our first week there a bit of a horror show. First off, the camp had planned to have us stay in the house that the camp grounds keeper stays in during the summer. This Camp was about 2 hours away from our other camp on Vashon Island and we had to take a ferry to get to it. But anyways, we we got there the staff, who had not been to the camp in 4 or 5 months because it was off season, realized that all the water pumps were broken so if we were to stay there we would not have water. So we ended up having to commute about 4 hours a day there and back. That was bad but the work for the first week was even worse. We spent 9 hours a day picking up sticks. And really it was nine hours straight (well lunch break) of picking up the branches and slash and putting it into neater piles. It was boring, monotonous work and it really wore on you. But It was only a week. the next week was great. We got to stay there so there was no more commuting and we started planting trees to reforest the area!
It was great!! Ever morning we would get up, do PT and then get to work. We would get these two big satchels that you strapped to your hips and filled with 2 year old saplings. We probably put about 40 or so baby trees in each satchel. Then we would take our dibble bars, which is sort of like a shovel except the entire thing made out of a heavy metal, and the end is thicker and narrower. We would slam the dibbles into the ground, wiggle it around so it made a big enough hole and then carefully slide the sapling into the hole making sure not to crush the roots and then stomp the soil around the tree.
After we got used to it, it would take about 40 seconds to a minute per tree. Between the ten of us we plants 5,000 trees, some Douglas Firs and Some Red Cedars. And we covered all 35 acres with new growth!

So Now as I said before we have left Vashon, which is sad because I loved it there but exciting too because it is GREAT to see all my friends back at base. This base weekend was a long weekend for us and my parents and my brother and my baby sister all flew out to meet me in San Fran!! It was so much fun, we saw all over the city, drove up to wine country and visited my campus!! Now I am back in Sac, besides all of the paperwork and meetings I have to go to, it is really really really really really nice to be back with my friends. But unfortunately we will be splitting up again on Monday. Because on Monday I am going to my next project!!!!!!!

My next project is going to be great. We are working with a Fire and Forestry crew that run Plumas National Forest in northern Cali! We are very excited because being with these guys puts us at the best chance for actually going to a fire. Also there is a different element to this project... usually all projects are from 2-8 weeks. I am going to be stationed in Plumas for four months!!! which is kind of sucky because I would like to move around more but is also good because this also gives us a better chance to see fire then if we were on any other shorter spike.
we will be living in a bunk house at an Fire Engine station near the forest in a town called Strawberry Valley. That's all we know now but I'll keep y'all tuned in



  1. Wow Finley! That first week of nine hour work days sounds like it was absolutely miserable. Especially with your 4 hour commute!!! But it's so cool that you guys planted 5000 trees! Holy cow! When you go back to visit in 50 years or so, there will be huge forests. Linnea just told me about the willow trees in Hamilton that your grandmama planted.

    We hope you have fun living with the firemen. Be careful out there. We'll still be following your blog so keep writing.

    Hope everything is going fine.
    Mrs. Pare and Linnea (your baby sister....who hates that you called her baby.)

  2. You'll always be my baby sister bea bea!
